Australian Boobook Owl

The Australian Boobook Owl is a medium-sized owl native to Australia and New Guinea. It is an agile and powerful predator, typically hunting at night, and is easily identified by its call, a loud, distinctive “boo-book” or “mo-poke”. It has a dark brown to grey-brown plumage, with white spots on its wings and belly. Its eyes are yellow-orange and its beak is grey. It is a highly adaptable species and is found in a wide range of habitats, including open woodlands, forests, farmland and urban areas. It feeds mainly on insects, small mammals and other small animals, which it hunts by swooping down from a perch or hovering in the air.

Average Weight: 200-400 g

Average length/height: 32-37 cm

Food: Insects, small mammals and other small animals

Habitat: Open woodlands and forests