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Reds Conservation Foundation
Reds Conservation Foundation is the trading name of Ranger Reds Shed Inc, founded in 2013. Our mission statement is:
The Ranger Reds Shed Inc aims are to stop the extinction of Australian and especially Western Australian, wildlife. This is achieved through the range of programs that we run and are planning for.
Restoring habitat through reforestation with eucalyptus and the native peppermint trees as part of landscape rehabilitation programs providing the additional benefit of providing feed for the koalas that are part of endangered species breeding programs and the critically endangered Western Ringtail Possums.
The planting of Banksia, Marri and Karri also provides WA native foliage, seed, nectar and shelter for other non-captive wildlife such as the range of Black cockatoos which are struggling with the reduction of their habitats due to human environmental and other impacts and which live in our operational area.
Continual work to enhance the survivability of species such as the critically endangered Western Ringtailed Possum, hosting of a Tasmanian Devil insurance population, reptile education and information and operational support are all facets of our organisation that contribute to our ethos of Kahu1.
1 Kahu is a Hawaiian word with many meanings but which include: Steward, Protector, Guardian, Beloved Attendant, Someone entrusted with something precious and cherished.
The Charity welcomes donations which can be made directly to the bank account.
Contributions to the Ranger Reds Shed Inc (Reds Conservation Foundation) are fully tax deductable.
Please contact [email protected] for further guidance on this matter.
ABN: 705 344 919 07 Bank account: 016-358/384873141